Waldemar Król
© Waldemar Król

Waldemar Król


Cracow-based composer, arranger and pianist. His music is a medium which enables the youngest generation of listeners to access the world of contemporary music. Król’s oeuvre includes didactic pieces, vocal and instrumental compositions, and incidental music to theatrical performances for children. Utilizing such tools as e.g. elements of aleatorism, Król strives to manifest the diversity and multicolored character of new music. (AM)

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Five chamber miniatures for xylophone, marimba, percussions and piano

year of composition: 2014
duration of the piece: 12'
genre: orchestral
programme edition: 2014/15
commission: Szkoła Muzyczna I stopnia w Wieliczce
materials accessible until: 25 September 2017
recording accessible until: 25 September 2020


FIVE CHAMBER MINIATURES for xylophone, marimba, percussions and piano premiere, held on 6 November 2014 at the Concert Hall of Szkoła Muzyczna I i II st. im. Bronisława Rutkowskiego in Cracow.


The Pupils of Primary School of Music in Wieliczka trained by Artur Ciborowski:
Maciej Boguś, xylophone, maracas
Jan Gawor, xylophone, tamburo, cymbals
Aleksander Szwczyk, marimba
Batłomiej Szaron, xylophone, triangle
Maja Król, ksylofon, xylophone, vibraphone
Antoni Dziurdzia, marimba
Anna Saganiewicz, xylophone, tambourine
Martyna Sochacka, guiro, tambourine, bongos
Kornelia Zienko, bells
Karina Stańczyk, piano
Marcelina Buczek, piano
Szymon Cygan, piano
Maciej Wilkosz, piano
Piotr Lara, piano