Mateusz Kobiałka


Composer and sound engineer, author of vocal, and vocal and instrumental music. He adapts computer interactive systems to achieve equilibrium between electronics and the human voice. The multimedia layer of his pieces is also influenced by natural gestures of traditional vocal art, which interpret and adapt to the intention of the performer, helping Kobiałka’s music attain new, unique sound qualities. (AM)

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Song cycle to poems of Bolesław Leśmian for soprano, piano and electronic harp

year of composition: 2014
duration of the piece: 33'
genre: multimedia works in which sound is the main composition element
language version: PL
programme edition: 2014/15
commission: Stowarzyszenie Polskich Artystów Muzyków
materials accessible until: 25 September 2017
recording accessible until: 25 September 2020


SONG CYCLE TO POEMS OF BOLESŁAW LEŚMIAN for soprano, piano and electronic harp premiere, held on 3 November 2014 at the Concert Hall of Music Academy in Cracow.


Wojciech Świętoński, piano
Anna Lichorowicz, soprano, electronic harp