I, signed below, as a formal representative of the institution indicated below, grant a permission to use the attached photographic material (hereinafter called the Work) that includes an image of the institution I represent or an event, on the website www.zamowieniakompozytorskie.pl / www.composingcommissions.pl, which is owned and administered by the Instytut Muzyki i Tańca (Institute of Music and Dance; hereinafter called the IMiT) with the seat in Warsaw, address: ul. Fredry 8, 00-097 Warsaw, Poland, entered in the Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage register of institutions of culture under no. 83/2010, tax identification number (NIP) 525-249-03-48.
This permission indicates that I grant a free, non-exclusive licence for an unlimited time and on an unlimited territory, to use the Work for the purpose of information and promotion of the composer.
Consequently, I permit the use of the Work in the following areas of exploitation:
- reproduction by the end users with the digital print technique with the use of computer printers;
- entering into computer memory and into multimedia network, as well as into any other digital processing media;
- distribution in the Internet, Intranet and any other computer networks in such a way that anyone may access the Work at a place and time of their choice, including in Video Streaming, Video on Demand and Pay Per View systems, regardless of the number of systems in the network of public performance or display, in particular on board of aircraft, ships and buses, in hotels, or in any other media systems (including simulcasting or webcasting), whether encoded or non-encoded, in open or closed circulation.
I agree to renounce any claims, including royalty claims (existing and future), against the IMiT, resulting from the use and distribution of the Work, within the scope of the permission (licence) granted, unless the IMiT commits a purposeful infringement of my rights to the Work.
All and any rights granted to the IMiT under this letter of permission are also granted to any third party indicated by the IMiT with which the IMiT will realise any non-commercial joint projects.
This statement may not be revoked at any time.