
Terms of Use of the Performance Materials Repository

These Terms of Use regulate all matters related to the use of the Performance Materials Repository (“Performance Materials Repository” or “Repository”) available on the website of the Institute of Music and Dance in Warsaw.

Users of the Performance Materials Repository are required to acquaint themselves with these Terms of Use before they start using the Repository available on Acquainting oneself with the Terms of Use is considered as a User’s confirmation that he or she understands the Terms of Use, accepts them and undertakes to conform to them.

  1. The Performance Materials Repository is managed by the Institute of Music and Dance in Warsaw, with offices at ul. Fredry 8, 00-097 Warszawa, Poland, a public culture institution, entered into the registry of culture institutions maintained by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage under 83/2010, and holding the tax identification number NIP 525-249-03-48.
  2. All the performance materials (scores, parts and other elements of a work’s notation) published on the website of IMiT were created as part of the Programme of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage of Poland “Collections” – Priority “Composing Commissions” [“Kolekcje” – priorytet “Zamówienia kompozytorskie”]. They constitute intellectual property and are protected under the Polish Act on Copyright and Neighbouring Rights of 4 February 1994.
  3. By using the performance materials a User does not acquire any rights to the works.
  4. To use the Performance Materials Repository registration is required. Accounts set up by Users are activated by IMiT. To register and use an account a User must provide the following data: name, surname, login, current address, telephone number and e-mail address. In the event that the data provided seem incomplete or false, IMiT reserves the right not to activate the account.
  5. By registering, a User confirms that he or she has acquainted him- or herself with these Terms of Use.
  6. By registering, a User consents for his or her personal data to be processed in the scope necessary to make the use of the Repository possible for him or her. The User may delete, modify and correct the data provided during his or her registration.
  7. A registered User cannot make his or her personal login and password available to third persons.
  8. Materials in the Repository may be used exclusively within 2 years of their publication on the website of IMiT. The date of the license’s expiry is provided in the description of each work. Any use of the materials after the date shall constitute a copyright infringement.
  9. Materials in the Repository may be used exclusively for the purposes of public performance or staging of the work. They may not be used to make a recording of the work by any technical means. Should a User plan to make a recording of the work, the User should approach the composer or the composer’s representative(s) directly.
  10. Each public performance or staging requires the appropriate author’s licence from the relevant collective rights management company.
  11. Performance materials of a particular work may not (neither in part nor in whole) be copied, made available or disseminated to other performers or institutions. It is only admissible that the same instrumental or choral part be copied for the particular group of instruments or choir members; it is also allowed to copy performance materials which constitute a self-contained whole and are designed for a group of performers.
  12. A User is required to inform the Institute of Music and Dance of the date and venue of a planned performance as well as the names of the performers at least 2 weeks before the date, via e-mail to
  13. All promotional and informational materials (both in hardcopy and electronic copy) related to an event at which the performance takes place should contain the following note: “This piece of music is supported with funds from the Minister of Culture and National Heritage of Poland as part of the programme ‘Collections’ – Priority ‘Composing Commissions’ implemented by the Institute of Music and Dance in Warsaw”, along with the logos of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of Poland and the Institute of Music and Dance in Warsaw.
  14. The Institute of Music and Dance reserves the right to alter or modify these Terms of Use. In the event that an alternation or modification is introduced, the new text of the Terms of Use will be published on the website of IMiT and sent out to registered Users to their e-mail addresses. New provisions of the Terms of Use become effective after 7 days as of the date of their publication on the website of IMiT. Orders submitted before the date when the new provisions become effective are processed according to the previous Terms of Use. A User may delete his or her account in the base of the Institute of Music and Dance within 7 days should the Terms of Use be contrary to his or her expectations. Lack of request for the account to be deleted in the period above is considered as consent to the new provisions of the Terms of Use.
  15. These Terms of Use become effective after 7 days of their publication on the website of the Institute of Music and Dance.